API Reference

Plugin Class

All plugins are defined by creating a simple class that implements the following initializePlugin method:

interface Plugin {
  initializePlugin(context: BurnerPluginContext): void;

Inside this method, plugins declare all wallet integrations using the Plugin Context API.

The Plugin Class is also an ideal location to define blockchain logic, since React components will have access to the plugin instance.

import { Plugin, BurnerPluginContext } from '@burner-wallet/types'
import Game from './ui/Game';
import gameAbi from './gameAbi.json';

const GAME_ADDRESS = '0x0123456789012345678901234567890123456789';

export default class GamePlugin implements Plugin {
  private pluginContext?: BurnerPluginContext;

  initializePlugin(pluginContext: BurnerPluginContext) {
    this.pluginContext = pluginContext;

    pluginContext.addPage('/game', Game);
    pluginContext.addButton('apps', '/game', {
      'description': 'Play this fun game!',

  getContract() {
    const web3 = this.pluginContext!.getWeb3('1');
    const contract = new web3.eth.Contract(gameAbi, GAME_ADDRESS);
    return contract;

  async getScore(userAddress) {
    const contract = this.getContract();
    const score = await contract.methods.getScore(userAddress).call();
    return score;

Plugin Context

When the wallet is loaded, the wallet will call the initializePlugin(pluginContext) function for each plugin. This function is provided an object with the following interface:

interface BurnerPluginContext {
  addElement: (position: string, Component: PluginElement, options?: any) => void;
  addButton: (position: string, title: string, path: string, options?: any) => any;
  addPage: (path: string, Component: PluginPage) => any;
  getAssets: () => Asset[];
  getWeb3: (network: string, options?: any) => Web3;
  addAddressToNameResolver: (callback: AddressToNameResolver) => void;
  onAccountSearch: (callback: AccountSearchFn) => void;
  onQRScanned: (callback: QRScannedFn) => void;
  onSent: (callback: TXSentFn) => void;


pluginContext.addElement(position: string, Component: React.ComponentType, [options?: any])

Adds a React component to a defined position in an existing wallet page.


  • position: The defined position in the application to insert the component at. The ModernUI defines the following positions:

    • home-top
    • home-middle
    • home-bottom
    • home-tab: Adds component as a tab on the home page. Accepts an option with the value title
    • advanced
  • Component: The React component to be used. The component will receive the Burner Plugin Component Props

  • options: Some positions may expect additional options to be provided


import { Plugin, BurnerPluginContext } from '@burner-wallet/types';
import BalanceTab from './Username';
import BalanceTab from './BalanceTab';

export default class BalancePlugin implements Plugin {
  initializePlugin(context: BurnerPluginContext) {
    context.addElement('home-middle', Username);
    context.addElement('home-tab', BalanceTab, { title: 'Cash' });


pluginContext.addPage(path: string, Component: React.ComponentType)

Creates a new page in the wallet with it’s own URL route.


pluginContext.addButton(position: string, title: string, path: string, [options?: any])

Add a button do a pre-defined location in the wallet.


  • position: A button position defined by the Wallet UI. Currently, ModernUI only supports “app”, while ClassicUI only supports “home”
  • title: The text to display in the button
  • path: The URL path to navigate to when clicked
  • options: Additional data to provide the button. For example, ModernUI accepts description and icon values.


import { Plugin, BurnerPluginContext } from '@burner-wallet/types';

export default class MenuPlugin implements Plugin {
  initializePlugin(context: BurnerPluginContext) {
    pluginContext.addButton('apps', 'Drink Menu', '/menu', {
      description: 'Order drinks from the bar',
      icon: '/beericon.png',


pluginContext.getAssets(): Asset[]

Returns an array of all Asset objects used by the wallet.


pluginContext.getWeb3(chain: string): Web3

Returns a Web3 instance for the requested chain. This allows lower-level blockchain calls (querying transactions & blocks) as well as constructing Web3 Contract instances.

Note: Burner Wallet uses Web3 v1.2.x


  • chain: The chain ID for the requested chain (ex: ‘1’ for mainnet, ‘42’ for Kovan testnet, ‘100’ for xDai)


import { Plugin, BurnerPluginContext } from '@burner-wallet/types'

const GAME_ADDRESS = '0x0123456789012345678901234567890123456789';

export default class GamePlugin implements Plugin {
  private pluginContext?: BurnerPluginContext;
  import gameAbi from './gameAbi.json';

  initializePlugin(pluginContext: BurnerPluginContext) {
    this.pluginContext = pluginContext;

  async getBlockNumber() {
    const web3 = this.pluginContext!.getWeb3('1');
    return await web3.eth.getBlockNumber();

  getContract() {
    const web3 = this.pluginContext!.getWeb3('1');
    const contract = new web3.eth.Contract(gameAbi, GAME_ADDRESS);
    return contract;

  async getScore(userAddress) {
    const contract = this.getContract();
    const score = await contract.methods.getScore(userAddress).call();
    return score;


type AddressToNameResolver = (address: string) => Promise<string | null>;

pluginContext.addAddressToNameResolver(callback: AddressToNameResolver);

This API allows plugins to provide human-readable names for addresses displayed in the wallet UI. For example, the ENS plugin uses this to replace addresses with ENS names.


  • callback: A function that can resolve addresses to human readable names. Callbacks are

passed an Ethereum address as a paramater, and should return a string or null if the address can not be resolved.


import { BurnerPluginContext, Plugin, Account } from '@burner-wallet/types';

export default class ENSPlugin implements Plugin {

  initializePlugin(pluginContext: BurnerPluginContext) {
    pluginContext.addAddressToNameResolver(async (address: string) => {
      const name = await ens.reverseLookup(address);
      return name;


type AccountSearchFn = (query: string) => Promise<Account[]>;

pluginContext.onAccountSearch(callback: AccountSearchFn)

This API allows plugins to suggest accounts to user when they are typing in the “address” field for a new transaction. For example, the ENS Plugin uses this API to resolve ENS names, while the Recent Accounts Plugin uses this API to suggest accounts that the user has recently interacted with.


  • callback: A function that will receive a search query as a paramater, and should return an array of “Account” objects (or an empty array). “Accounts” are objects that contain an “address” and “name” property.


import { BurnerPluginContext, Plugin } from '@burner-wallet/types';

export default class ENSPlugin implements Plugin {

  initializePlugin(pluginContext: BurnerPluginContext) {
    pluginContext.onAccountSearch(async (search: string) => {
      if (search.length < 3) {
        return [];
      const address = await ens.getAddress(search);
      return address ? [{ address: address, name: search }] : [];


type QRScannedFn = (qr: string, context: { actions: Actions }) => boolean | undefined;

pluginContext.onQRScanned(callback: QRScannedFn)

Provide a function to be called when the user scans a QR code using the default QR code scanner. The function is passed the text of the QR code and the “actions” object (see below).

For example, the ERC681 plugin uses this API to handle QR codes that contain the ERC681 URI format (ethereum:0xf01acd...`).

Note: URLs of the same domain as the wallet are automatically handled. For example, if a wallet is hosted at mywallet.com and the user scans a QR code for https://mywallet.com/mypage, then the wallet will automatically route to /mypage.


  • callback: A function that parses the scanned QR code string and can chose to take action. This function must return true if it choses to handle this QR code, or else the wallet will continue to pass the value to other plugins. The function receives the following paramaters
    • qr: The string value of the scanned QR code
    • context: This object currently only contains a single paramater, actions. However, more values may be added in the future.


import { BurnerPluginContext, Plugin } from '@burner-wallet/types';

export default class ERC681Plugin implements Plugin {
  initializePlugin(pluginContext: BurnerPluginContext) {
    pluginContext.onQRScanned((qr: string, ctx: any) => {
      if (qr.indexOf('ethereum:') === 0) {
        const parsed = parse(qr);

        if (parsed === null) {
          return false;

          to: parsed.recipient,
          value: parsed.value,
          asset: parsed.asset,

        return true;
      return false;


type TXSentFn = (data: SendData) => string | void | null;

pluginContext.onSent(callback: TXSentFn);

Provide a function to be called when the user sends an asset through the normal send mechanism. Callback will receive an object with the asset, sender and recipient address, amount, message, Web3 receipt, transaction hash, and an ID if specified in the send function.

Typically, a user will be redirected to the Receipt page after a transaction has been sent. However, plugins can override this behavior by returning a path string from the onSent callback.


import { BurnerPluginContext, Plugin, SendData } from '@burner-wallet/types';
import OrderCompletePage from './OrderCompletePage';

export default class ShoppingPlugin implements Plugin {
  initializePlugin(pluginContext: BurnerPluginContext) {
    pluginContext.addPage('/order-complete/:id', OrderCompletePage);

    pluginContext.onSent((tx: SendData) => {
      if (tx.id.indexOf('order:') === 0) {
        return `/order-complete/${tx.id.substr(6)}`;


actions.sendPluginMessage(topic: string, ...message: any[]): any

Send cross-plugin messages


  • topic: Topic ID that other plugins are listening for
  • All other arguments will be included


import { BurnerPluginContext, Plugin, SendData } from '@burner-wallet/types';

export class NamePlugin implements Plugin {
  private pluginContext: BurnerPluginContext;

  initializePlugin(pluginContext: BurnerPluginContext) {
    this.pluginContext = pluginContext;

  changeName(newName: string) {
    this.pluginContext!.sendPluginMessage('name-changed', newName);

export class OtherPlugin implements Plugin {
  private pluginContext: BurnerPluginContext;

  initializePlugin(pluginContext: BurnerPluginContext) {
    pluginContext.onPluginMessage('name-changed', (newName) => console.log('new name', newName));


type PluginMessageListener = (...message: any[]) => any;

actions.onPluginMessage(topic: string, listener: PluginMessageListener)


  • topic: Topic ID to listen for
  • listener: A callback that will be passed all arguments from the message sender


See example for sendPluginMessage

Plugin Component Props

Pages (added with pluginContext.addPage) and elements (added with pluginContext.addElement) will receive the following props.


Pages and Elements are provided with the instance of the Plugin that added them. This allows React components to access values from the plugin constructor, Web3 instances, and more.


import { BurnerPluginContext, Plugin } from '@burner-wallet/types';

export default class MyPlugin implements Plugin {
  public id: string;
  private pluginContext?: BurnerPluginContext;

  constructor(id: string) {
    this.id = id;

  initializePlugin(pluginContext: BurnerPluginContext) {
    this.pluginContext = pluginContext;
    pluginContext.addPage('/myPage', MyPage);

  async send(account: string) {
    const web3 = this.pluginContext!.getWeb3('100');
    const contract = new web3.eth.Contract(abi, address);
    await contract.methods.myMethod().send({ from: account });

const MyPage: React.FC<> = ({ plugin, defaultAccount }) => {
  const _plugin = plugin as MyPlugin;
  return (
      <h1>ID: {_plugin.id}</h1>
      <button onClick={() => _plugin.send()}>Send Tx</button>



An array of Asset objects.



The Ethereum address of the default account (equivelent to accounts[0]).



An array of addresses representing all available accounts.


Object containing a number of functions. See Actions section.


An object containing a number of React components that can be used. See the Burner Components section.

React Router props

Page components (added with addPage) will also receive the match, location and history props from React Router.

Typescript users may define expected paramaters by passing a type argument to PluginPageContext.


import { PluginPageContext } from '@burner-wallet/types';

interface MatchParams {
  level: string;

const Game: React.FC<PluginPageContext<MatchParams>> = ({ match }) => {
  return (
    <div>Welcome to level {match.params.level}</div>



actions.callSigner(action: string, target: string, ...props: any[]): string

Calls a method defined by the signer.


  • action: The method to call. LocalSigner supports the methods “readKey”, “writeKey”, “burn”, while InjectedSigner supports “enable”.
  • target: Either the address to call an action on (0x9f31ca...) or the ID of a signer (local, injected).
  • props: Additional arguments, dependent on the actions.


const PrivateKeyChanger = ({ actions, defaultAccount }) => {
  const [newKey, setNewKey] = useState('');
  const canChangeKey = actions.canCallSigner('writeKey', defaultAccount);

  return (
      {canChangeKey ? (
           <input value={newKey} onChange={e => setNewKey(e.target.value)} />
           <button onClick={() => actions.callSigner('writeKey', defaultAccount, newKey)}>
             Change Key
      ) : "Can not update private key"}


actions.canCallSigner(action: string, target: string, ...props: any[]): boolean


  • action: The method to call. LocalSigner supports the methods “readKey”, “writeKey”, “burn”, while InjectedSigner supports “enable”.
  • target: Either the address to call an action on (0x9f31ca...) or the ID of a signer (local, injected).
  • props: Additional arguments, dependent on the actions.


See example for callSigner


actions.openDefaultQRScanner(): Promise

Open the full-screen QR code scanner. If a QR code is scanned, it will be handled with the default logic.

The default logic is as follows:

  1. Plugins may handle QR codes by returning true from their onQRScanned callback.

2. If an address was scanned, the user will be redirected to the send page 2. If a private key was scanned, it will be handled with safeSetPK 2. URLs that contain the same domain as the wallet will be automatically routed


actions.scanQRCode: () => Promise<string>

Opens the full-screen QR code scanner. Unlike openDefaultQRScanner, there is no default logic for handling the scanned QR code. The promise will resolve once a QR code is scanned, or will reject if the user cancels.


actions.safeSetPK(newPK: string)

Attempts to update the user’s private key, without losing any funds.

  1. If there is no balance in the existing account, the new private key will be automatically updated
  2. If the current account has funds, the user will be prompted with the following options:
    • Move all assets from the existing account to the new account
    • Move all assets from the new account to the existing account
    • Discard funds in the existing account and switch to the new account
    • Cancel, maintaining the current account


actions.send(params: SendData)

Prompt the user to send an asset, redirecting them to the send confirmation page.




actions.setLoading(status: string | null)


actions.getHistoryEvents([options?: any]): HistoryEvent[]


actions.onHistoryEvent(callback: HistoryEventCallback)


actions.removeHistoryEventListener(callback: HistoryEventCallback)

Burner Components: UI Components



  • title: (string) Page title to display at top of page
  • children: (React node) Page content


const MyPage = ({ BurnerCompents }) => {
  const { Page } = BurnerComponents;
  return (
    <Page title="My Page">









Burner Components: Data Providers

A number of non-visual components are available. Many of these components simplify the process of accessing blockchain data using render props.



  • asset: (string or Asset)
  • [account]: (string) Account to look up data from. Optional, will use the default account if omitted
  • render: (callback)

Callback data

The callback will be called with null while data is loading or unavailable. Once loaded, the callback will be called with an object with the following properties:

  • balance: (string) The account balance, in wei-equivelent units (the balance divided by 10^18)
  • displayBalance: (string) The balance in decimal format
  • maximumSendableBalance: (string) The maximum that can be sent. For native assets like ETH, this will be the total balance minus the gas fee for a simple transaction
  • displayMaximumSendableBalance: (string) maximumSendableBalance in decimal format
  • usdBalance: (string | null) If price data is available, it will be the balance multiplied by the balance






Retrieves the human-readable name for an address, if available


  • address
  • render

Callback data

The render method will be called with two arguments:

  • name (string or null) The human readable name, if available
  • address (string)




Render a list of history events


  • account: (string) The Ethereum account to fetch history for
  • render: (callback) Render function that will be called once for each history element

Callback data




Define a region where other plugins may insert elements


  • position: (string) The name of the position
  • Component: (React Component) Optional, the component to render each button. If omitted, Button will be used
  • Other props will be passed through to inserted buttons


Define a region where other plugins may insert elements


  • position: (string) The name of the position
  • Other props will be passed through to inserted elements



  • asset: (string) Asset ID
  • txHash: (string) Transaction hash
  • render: (callback) Render function

Callback data

The render function will provide a single SendData object with the following properties;

  • asset: (string);
  • value: (string) The amount transfered, in wei-equivelent units
  • ether: (string) The amount transfered, in ether-equivelent units (typically value * (10 ** 18))
  • from: (string) The transaction sender
  • to: (string) The transaction recipient (note: if this is a token transfer, it will be the transfer recipient, not the transaction recipient)
  • message?: (string or null) The transaction message or null
  • hash?: (string) Transaction hash
  • timestamp: (number) Unix timestamp of the transaction (block time)
