Getting started

#### Simple, customized wallet

Do you want to customize your own version of the wallet? Check out the simple application in the basic-wallet directory.

Alternatively, visit to create your own wallet without writing any code!

Setting Infura key

By default, basic-wallet uses the InfuraGateway for connecting to commonly used Ethereum chains.

The entry point takes an Infura key from the REACT_APP_INFURA_KEY environment variable. For your wallet to function correctly, you must create a file named .env in the basic-wallet folder with the following value:

REACT_APP_INFURA_KEY=<your infura key>

You can generate an Infura key at

Add a custom token

You can add any ERC20 token to your wallet by constructing a new ERC20Asset and adding it to the asset list.

The id parameter is the internal ID used by the wallet, while the name parameter is the display name that will be displayed to the user. network is the chain ID of the chain the token is deployed to (‘1’ for mainnet, ‘100’ xDai, etc). address is the address where the token contract is deployed.

import { xdai, dai, eth, ERC20Asset } from '@burner-wallet/assets';

const bos = new ERC20Asset({
  id: 'bos',
  name: 'Boston Token',
  network: '100',
  address: '0x52ad726d80dbb4A9D4430d03657467B99843406b',

const core = new BurnerCore({
  assets: [bos, xdai, dai, eth],

Local developer wallet

Are you a developer, hoping to test changes to other modules in this project (modern-ui, ui-core or various plugins)?

Run yarn start-local in the project root. This will start a wallet on localhost:3000 that is connected to your local Ganache instance (connecting to node http://localhost:8545 by default).

Before the wallet server launches, a script create a pre-filled account. This account will hold 1 Ganache ETH and 100 test tokens.

Note that Metamask will override the local account, disable it or open in incognito mode for local development.